Longtime fans of Swagger Gifts {Cary | online} already know that the fresh and funky Cary boutique just recently expanded to offer clothing, in addition to the already stellar collection […]
First Look at the New Swagger – Plus, Scout Trunk Show this Week!
{Sale Alert} 20% Off All Purple at Beleza… a Fair Trade Boutique
True story – when I was little, and all through growing up, purple was my most favorite color. (If you know my dad, ask him to tell you the story […]
{You’re Invited} Charity Fashion Show to Benefit Adoption Option
Fashions from Adore Designer Resale {Raleigh and Cary} and Clothes Hound {Raleigh | online}, hair by Aqua Salon, food and cocktails by Oliver Twist, and a silent auction for your […]
{Video} This is What Excitement Looks Like…
Click here to watch the video if you can’t see it above. Congrats to the ladies of vestique.com {Raleigh | online-only} as they take a huge step in their retail […]
{Movers & Shakers} Lots of Retail Happenings in Store for August!
July is almost over, but that’s ok… because there is a lot to look forward to in August! Dress {Raleigh} closed its location on Glenwood South yesterday to pack all […]
Everyone Loves a Good Sale…
…especially one happening at Swagger Gifts {Cary | online}! AND it’s a perfect way to go pick up some new Swagger goodies so you can enter the Second Annual “Where […]
Stila + Roxy = <3 at Whalebone
I was just cruisin’ facebook last week and happened to see the following pop-up in my feed of rockin’ local retailers that I follow: While I’ve grown up a bit […]
{You’re Invited} Vestique.com Fashion Show at North Hills on Wednesday
Got plans for Wednesday evening? If not, do what I just did and get yourself over to Vestique.com {Raleigh | online only} and purchase a ticket or two to their […]
{You’re Invited} Scout Trunk Show at Swagger Gifts Begins Today!
You know you wanna! Swagger Gifts {Cary | online} is located at 2425 Kildaire Farm Road in Lochmere Pavilion.