{Worth the Drive} Stop What You’re Doing and Head to Durham for the School House Sale!

How’s that for most dramatic post titled ever? I’m dead serious, though! No matter if you’re a Wolfpack faithful (Let’s Go Pack!), Tar Heel, Blue Devil, Demon Deacon, Mountaineer, or Pirate (“Aaaaargh!” to my ECU girls!), School House has something for you.

50% off, $2.00 samples, beer, and an awesome back story? Rock on!

Here’s that awesome back story on the School House brand, by the way:

In 2007, Rachel Weeks traveled to Sri Lanka as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar on a mission to bring better collegiate apparel to her alma mater (Duke University). Not just better designs, better fit, and better quality, but with a better story.

So she teamed up with Colleen McCann, fashion designer extraordinaire, and ALARM, a Sri Lankan coalition of labor rights organizations and trade unions, to launch a brand that brings ethical fashion to universities everywhere.

First and foremost, School House is about people – paying premium prices to their suppliers to ensure that living wages are being paid in the manufacturing facilities producing the School House. Why? Because School House believes that a free but fair fashion market is possible, and that when it teams up with quality design, it’s unstoppable.

{Adapted from ShopSchoolHouse.com}

I had the wonderful opportunity to get an inside look at School House and meet Rachel a few weeks ago and I am so excited to share this great brand with everyone. If you’ve ever searched for nice collegiate gear that is not made in a sweat shop, you know that brands offering this are few and far between. How awesome is to have one in our own backyard that we can support locally while rooting on our teams this fall?!

Big “Thanks!” due to Taylor (pictured center below) for introducing me (right) and Caitlin (left) to the School House brand!

PS – Want the Wolfpack shirt I’m sportin’ above? Buy it online here!

Naturally, you can find School House on facebook, too – be sure to “like” their page to stay up to date on their successes!

Lisa Jeffries

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